Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Feeling Life Passing

When you wake and see the world
do not just open your eyes
but inhale the deepnes and the fullness
of life

Smell sweet sunshine, not feel the heat
feel the winds passing and its beat
do not ket things go fast nor
let it get stuck so it continues
to flow, to pass, to happen

See the river and its rumblings
its deep manueverings through rocks
and things
as weed and fish and dew

Inhale the kitchens smoke
the aroma of kindred spirits
bringing forth what you taste
in your buds of everlasting

Feel everything not just the sensation
but the thoughts it carry
the image it brings.The memories
it reminds you of

Feel and live.You may smile or frown
You care.Of what is happening
Smelling life.As it happens

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