Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BIOSYS- ORIGINS (An Original Novel)

AUTHORS NOTE: This is an attempt to write a Sci Fi Novel, a work in progress, an original work, Hence, this is protected by copyright and applicable and pertinent publications laws.Please do not publish, use, copy, etcetera without the authors permision -ME! Contact me and dheotabor@gmail.com for queries, suggestions, and offers (?)

A Deraliean Story

Chapter I
The Meeting

Erik stared at the sky and assumed it was going to rain. Assumed, because it was cold and the wind was blowing slightly on his black FUBU jacket. He looked at his left and crossed the street as the traffic light turned green.

I was born Eric Mortel Barcena in Manila, the proud capital of the Philippines, a third world country in South East Asia where people are mostly brown and where white people are Called "Mestizas" (for females) and "Mestizos" (for males) . If you are fair or white complexion, chances are, you have a Spanish or Chinese ancestry - or your mother has married an American GI that was stationed in one of the U.S. Naval bases here - we have a rather diverse and colorful history you know. Well, me, I've got both a Filipino mother and father, although my grandfather once told me we had some traces of Chinese blood, I am not really sure.I do not know exactly where the chinese part comes in. I'm not even slit eyed.

My mother gave birth to me on July 2, 1976. The Day Following Ma's birthing efforts for me, my father was shot by a passing soldier who was too drunk to care that he was waving a loaded pistol. He died when i was being born at the same time. Weird. Yeah, I know. Sad too.

Let's go back to being brown. Yep, I like my skin complexion. Not too dark nor too white for my tastes.
Nah, I am not mocking my ancestry. I'm just saying, I like it because that's how I like it.

 I am also the proud owner of an energy generated vehicle we call the RAV (for Random Access Vehicle). The RAV is an energy generated transport that can take many forms depending on the available energy resources around the user. The brains- an AI or artificial intelligence personality- is built on the Light Band worn on the ring finger-a gift if you must from my Deraliean 'friend". I am not allowed to use it just to impress the girls (although I do, sometimes, just sometimes, get away with it.).


There I was at Camp One at the Mayon Volcano in Albay. We were at our camping site, watching the stars, smoking my Marlboro red. My trek mates were too busy with their drinks and their off tuned songs, and, I have feigned drunkenness to get away. . I just laid there on the soft grass as I stared at the evening sky, when I saw a shooting star. Hmm .... A quick wish perhaps? I closed my eyes and wished for Lisa and her sweet smile. I wonder where she is now with her newly acquired husband. I felt a little drowsy. maybe too much cigarettes.

I opened my eyes and found myself alone on top of a metal table.
Not on a mountain top!

I gave out a loud shriek and I was so surprised that I tried standing up and tried rolling off the table at the same time. I ended up sprawled on the floor, My lighted cigarette still dangling on my lips.What the hell happened, I just did not know. One minute I was on the camp site and the next thing I know, I was in a creepy metal table. I felt like that guy in the movies, who was about to be hacked into pieces by Jason.

Shit! Was I tripping?
I heard a chuckle from behind me. "Those things can get you killed you know"
I whirled and faced the voice. "Wha-"

Maybe I was expecting an ax wielding killer but it never occurred to me that I could be facing something worse than that. Or someone cute. 

I regained my senses, I instinctively braced and pushed my fists forward, my feet firmly planted, left arm in front of the right in a ready stance position as my fight and flight mechanism (and my fright), took over.

"Tsk! Tsk! Would you really hit me?"

My mouth started to open and I closed it down in a hurry. I stared. No, I ogled.
In front of me was a gorgeous Angeline Jolie look alike dressed in a blue business suit that matched her eyes. I slowly took everything in stride and tried to relax.Tried. And majestically failed.

"Who ... who are you? And how'd the hell did I. .. I mean where am I and how did I get here?"

"Whoa, take it slow buster." She smiled again. Damn! Her smile was really cute. And it never occurred to me for even a single second that this gorgeous woman that I was ready to fall in love with was an alien.
Well, a Deraliean actually,kinda our alien cousins.

"First let me have a look at that nasty cut on your forehead. Would you allow me to do that?" She asked, a note of concern in her voice was somehow evident. She approached me and placed the paper pad, or notebook, or whatever you call that thing secretaries use to take notes that she was holding, on a metal table nearby.

I sat down at the table where I fell of a minute ago, and let her touch my forehead.

"Oh my, she smelled good too" I thought to myself. A slight buzzing echoed inside my head, and I felt heat, kinda like being wiped with a hot towel as her hand touched my skin. I almost jumped away from her.

"Jesus, what the hell was that?"
"It's just an energy field . ... No worries. Do you feel any more pain?" She asked as she showed me a tiny mettalic band on her ring finger.
"Uh .. no."
Hey, no kidding, I really felt good as new, like I never fell from a table. My head meeting the floor, was now just a memory of the past. I grinned. Now, I am never a man that scares easily. You could ask my army drill sergeant that, when i was in the Army, But as they say, caution has its virtues.

"... You are not from around here. Are you?" I asked warily.
She chuckled again. Her voice seemed to tinkle like bells. A soft pitched voice. She even sounded like Angelina Jolie plus the boobies.
"Yeah. You could say that again. I am not from here and as you say humans are fond of saying. I am not even of this planet ... or of this galaxy." She whispered, waiting for my reaction.
Galaxy? Did she say galaxy? "
"Uh, what galaxy did you say you were from?" If she was playing with me I could play her game too ..
Was she playing a game? Or not?



I stared at the mirror and grinned to myself. I felt good.Really felt good. I removed an imaginary dirt from my shoulders and  bounded towards the door leading to the kitchen.Walking towards the fridge on the kitchen I got myself my milk and a donut.

"Donuts do not belong in the fridge, you know"

I almost jumped. "Jesus!"

Debbie smiled.

"Please, do not just appear out of nowhere, okay?" I implored. We have been living together for almost two weeks now and I still was not accustomed to her sudden appearances. She had an unpronounceable name and I named her Debs or Debbie as her Earth name. I snickered. Yeah. an Earth name.

Debs had told him Deralieans can bend light via their Light bands that were worn on their ring fingers. A small mettalic, yet adjustable contraption that can fit on the finger of the wearer. Only a single wearer can wear it because a specific DNA is required to make it work-the users DNA. Ergo, since Debs can bend light, she can disappear at will. She does not really disappear to nothingness, light is bent around her making her somewhat invisible to the human eye, but with practice, I have begun to notice her presence, sense her in a way.

"What's up?" I asked. "Breakfast?"

Debbie snickered and giggled at the same time."You know I can not eat your food-Earth food....except.. yeah, I'll indulge you. "She walked towards the fridge and pointed with her finger ring. The fridge door slowly opened and a Diet Pepsi can floated towards her. Yep, soda is a favorite among Deralieans.

"Debs ..."
"Remember when we talked about rules? My rules?"
"Oh ... No ..er  .magic stuff except during work time ... sorry ..."
I sighed. "And do not use that kitten-ish look with your eyes. You know I can not survive your eyes ... my anger dissipates quickly with your kitten-ish eyes, my lady?"
Debbie giggled. "... So sweet dear Erik. I just can not explain how kitten-ish is supposed to look like, but I like it when you say it."
Grinning, I approached and kissed her lips. So soft. "So what's our game plan for today?"
Debbie pointed at Samsung tablet on the table. "It's all in there. Uploaded one hour ago.You choose.We have a forest fire in Zamboanga, still burning mind you, an oil spill in Bicol, and an ongoing bank robbery and hostage negotiation in Cubao.Which do you want to do first? "

"Lets do the Hostage situation first, we can just flit fast to Zamboanga then to Bicol.The Rav can take up lost time"
Debbie winked mischievously. "And we can do something in between"

"Whoa! That sounds good"
 They have been intimate for the past few days and one thing you can not deny Deralieans is that they have a sexual appetite that matches his. She was beautiful, she had the proper anatomical parts in the right places just like the human female, and she was not green like aliens were supposed to be, something they taught us in high school.

The Deralieans have been on earth for centuries, as Debbie had told him. Their physiology were not that much different from humans. Their genes provided the missing link that made way for the surprising leap from an unthinking ape to homo sapiens- the species, the thinking man.Something that Darwins Evolutionary Theory was not able to piece together. Their scientists, so to speak, were the ones that gave the human race the spark of intellect that enabled man to survive the harsh conditions of prehistoric earth. As it is, Deraliean Society did not frown in inter-breeding, giving way to the birth of geniuses throughout Earths history. Albert Einstein, I was surprised to know, was a Deraliean scientist sent to earth and as such was responsible for revolutionary improvements in Earth tech, some of which are kept  in hidden Deraliean bases all over the world. Thomas Edisons' light bulb was not a sudden inspiration, but a Deraliean inspired tech given to Earth back then. Napoleon Bonaparte, and even Hitler were all Deraliean offsprings,  borne by a Deraliean mother and a human father.Deraliean strict laws, however, prohibited Deraliean women from mating into different human males simultaneously. They were given the chance to choose one human male and was her mate for life to prevent accidental breeding. Each Deraliean had a specific DNA that contained their special attribute they call their BirthLore. Debbies Birthlore was telekinesis.Lucky me had been chosen by Debbie to be her mate, that is until somebody decides to kill me or I suddenly keel over due to old age, giving her the chance to find another mate. Or did Deraliean women kill their human mates if they become bored with them? I did not want to find the answer to that.

I picked up my Light Band, my Jumper Arc, another Deraliean give away,and grabbed my backpack. I followed Debbie who was already heading towards the the garage where she usually conveys her RAV.

What we do by the way is not sanctioned by any government. We do it because Debs tells me to ( I will follow her kitten-ish eyes through Dantes Inferno if need be-I'm in love)... Oh-la-la. Lets go save the world

....to be continued....

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